Friday, 10 August 2012

Egg and my Face Reunited


Many of you will have seen my previous post entitled the cheek...
for those of you who have not read it, i basically moan and bitch about a comment left on my blog insinuating i had stolen this story....

this upset me and i spat the dummy out as many writers would... only for me to find out it was all the work of the devious troll DEREK MCKENZIE ( BUM BUM BAA)

Yes in retaliation for my constant spamming him with links to my blog Derek trolled me and he trolled me good....

thanks to Mr McKenzie i have spent most of today annoyed about the cheek of my accuser only to find out it was him so i am reaching out my pram retrieving my dummy and shoving it in my mouth before i make more of a fool of myself....

Well done Derek.
