Chapter 11

  Enter the Trolls

Adam ran fast, keeping up with Garret, determined to prove himself after his fall in the last battle.
“To your left!” Garret hissed loudly, Adam reacted with out thinking and jumped to his right as a sword sliced the air where his head was a second before. He turned at the sound of steel clashing to his right and saw Garret had engaged an enemy, Adam ducked another attack and sliced out to his right cutting the knee of the warrior Garret fought, the man cried out in pain and Garret slammed his shield into his face knocking him to the ground,
“Good lad!” Garret grunted as he pulled Adam back upright. “Keep moving!”
Adam nodded and kept moving with Garret, the two moved as one both attacking and protecting each other from attack. Adam threw his shield up and took a blow that shook his arm, with out realising his arm lashed out at the source of the attack and he felt warm wet blood cover his hand, he twisted like he had been taught by Garret and pulled his blade free. Adam didn’t have time to register his first kill as a large enemy kicked at him, Adam managed to pull his shield in front of him and the Sam'ru's kick forced him backwards and he tripped over the man he had just impaled and fell to the ground. Then he felt his shield being smashed from his grasp, for a split second Adam thought he was dead but Garret appeared and blocked the attack just as it almost landed and slammed into the attacker and they both stumbled backwards. The Sam'ru swung but Garret ducked under and slashed upwards catching the Sam'ru on the face plate of the helm, clearly denting it. The man stood straight and pulled the helm from his head and slammed it down to the ground, he bore a deep cut on his chin from Garrets attack. The Sam'ru smiled and pulled a smaller curved sword with his free hand. Garret smiled back as Adam stood up behind him,
“Sorry friend time to end this.” Garret said and lunged forward but the Sam'ru parried the attack with his long curved blade and tried to stab with his short sword but Adam jumped forward with a forward thrust to skewer him but the warrior stopped his attack on Garret and blocked the thrust which gave Garret time to slash downwards at the hand holding the short sword. Adam gasped as the pressure from the sword he was struggling against fell away, Adam looked down and saw the hand still clutching the sword on the ground.
“Now!” Garret cried over the howl of pain from their opponent, Adam lunged forward stabbing into the man’s stomach as Garret slashed upwards across the chest. There was no break from the battle though because before the man had hit the ground Garret cried out as he took a slash to his upper arm, he spun on the spot and caught his new attacker on the side of the head killing him in one blow.
“Garret?!” Adam yelled in concern,
“Just a scratch lad.” he replied though Adam could clearly see blood dripping between garrets fingers as he grasped his arm, “A few scars means I'm lucky remember?”
Adam nodded grimly, suddenly a strange horn began to blow and the enemies began to pull back out of battle, Adam made to give chase but Garret held his arm to stop him as the kingdom horn began to blow three sharp bursts and a long one.
“Form ranks.” Garret grunted.
The Parashien's pulled back beyond the river Kiel, which was only waist deep at its deepest, and formed ranks as the kingdom men fell into rank.
“You did good lad, very good.” Garret smiled as he tore a strip from his tabard and grunted as he tied it around his arm.
“Thanks, maybe I’m very very lucky after all...” Adam replied humourlessly,
“Ha! Maybe you are...” get ready lad.” Garret replied,
“Charge!”Azrael and Aldur screamed almost simultaneously, As the men began to charge there was a sudden flash of lightning that crashed into the ground between the two armies causing them to hesitate.
“What the hells going on?” Garret growled,
“No idea chief,”Adam said looking to the point of impact, “Some guy in red is standing out there...”

Dramada stood between the two armies. The kingdom men began to advance cautiously towards the lone sorceror when suddenly he cried out,“terra ascender surisum!”
There was a loud rumble and the earth in front of the Kingdom men erupted like a volcano and flew into the air and cascaded down onto them, many had to raise shields to deflect larger debris. "My dear Prince, it is a surprise to find you here once again being a thorn in my side...” Dramadas voice boomed magically enhanced so all could hear it, “I take it the young Prince is dead then? No matter you are here and that does matter... you see I need this army in your precious kingdom.”
“That's not going to happen!” Azrael cried back to him, glancing around at Aldur who had tensed at the mention of his brother. “Not a single Parashien will enter the kingdom.”
“You should be sure of your words young Prince, do you think this would be my only plan? That I would not think of a contingency plan? No matter, Unfortunately it falls to me to remove you from this path... mido gigas besia servus!” Dramada shouted the spell louder than his words and being magically enhanced his shout bounced off the canyon walls and echoed back and forth several times. Dark clouds suddenly began to fill the sky over the canyons making the entire area seem dark and foreboding, Three large purple holes started to appear in the clouds over the battle field, one above the river Kiel and two behind it, they glowed menacingly as if they emanated power, everyone looking up could tell reality itself had been torn asunder in front of them. A huge screeching noise began to fill the air from them as though the universe its self was crying out in pain at the violation, and they were all for a moment deeply afraid of what might come from those portals to only the gods knew where. Everyone on the battle field stood entranced, no one could take their eyes from these strange portals in the sky when suddenly something large fell from the first portal, a massive creature fell towards the earth, two large cloven feet landed with a thunderous crash into the shallow water causing the water to fly into the air. The creature stood up and was at least 10 feet tall and its shoulder length was the same as at least three men stood together. Its lower body was completely covered in filthy fur which was matted and stained with dried blood and mud, the creatures torso was just muscles covered in strange scars, some from battles and others strangely looked almost like symbols. The creature had a smaller head than expected given the size of its body and its facial features were squashed and squint. Its lower fangs protruded from its mouth seeming like they were to big to fit inside, two large chipped and dirty antlers protruded from either side of its head.
“Troll!”gasped Garret, Adam looked at the horror straight from his mothers tales as it stood straight and roared, the sound was visceral and filled with uncontrollable rage and scared Adam to his very core. The troll held what looked like a small tree trunk in its hand with a boulder tied tightly to the end with vines and had metal spikes forced through the wood, making one deadly looking club. Suddenly two more trolls slightly smaller than the first fell from the other portals in the sky crashing down in front of the Parashien troops, who looked just as afraid of their new allies as the kingdom men were. The portals screeching ceased and they vanished as if they had never existed and the clouds turned to grey, the only proof they had been there at all being the three snarling trolls.
“As much as I would like to stay and watch this impressive army you have here torn and ripped apart Prince, unfortunately I am needed else where at the moment...,” He looked at the startled looking men, “Ah well not so impressive now are they, never the less...” he turned back to the Parashiens and the trolls, “Kill them!” and he turned on the spot and vanished as quickly as the portals had and for a moment the battle field was still and quiet until the first troll to drop from the sky, which was also the largest of the three, roared and charged the kingdom men splashing through the river as it lifting its club high. Azrael rushed forward trying to get to the front lines to try and protect the men but the troll got there first. It swung its club and three men flew through the air to land on others dead on impact, then it crashed the club down on top of another crushing him whilst grabbing a fifth and lifting him into the air and throwing him into the back lines of the army.
“No!” Azrael screamed in rage, the troll had killed five of his men in five seconds, he had to concentrate. The troll lifted its club again and swung it downwards but it thudded to a halt in mid air, the creature looked confused as Azrael emerged from the men with his hand outstretched erecting a barrier in front of the troll. It roared at him and slammed its club against the invisible barrier again, causing sweat to appear on Azraels forehead,
“I cant hold this much longer...” he muttered, he looked past the troll and saw the Parashien begin to advance towards them, though it was unclear if they meant to charge or simply wanted a better view. The troll looked at Azrael and bellowed its rage and jumped into the air club over head and slammed it down against the barrier so hard Azrael gave a cry and fell to his knees, the troll looked at him and slammed once more Azrael was now on all fours,
“Get ready... I'm sorry!” he cried as a trickle of blood began to run down his nose and the barrier fell and Azrael looked up to see the troll lift its club one final time.

Adam realised what was about to happen and reacted with out thought and dashed forward,
“Adam!” he heard Garret call behind him, he dropped his shield as it was slowing him down. In front of him the prince was still on all fours and the troll was about to swing the club,
“If this works, I hope he understands.” Adam prayed to himself and he leapt, his foot landing on the Princes shoulder forcing him down onto the dusty ground and springing Adam upwards into the air. As Adams face became eye level with the creature it blinked stupidly trying to focus on him as Adam thrust his entire blade through its neck, It looked startled for a second before gravity pulled Adam back down and his weight pulled the blade free, as the sword pulled from the troll blue blood sprayed from its neck covering Adams arm and cascading down its chest to pool at its cloven feet in front of the Princes shocked face, he looked up in surprise as the massive creature dropped to its knees. Azrael jumped up and grabbed a shell shocked Adam pulling him to the side as the monster crashed to the ground next to them where Adam had been standing. The Sam'ru halted in their advance in the water of the river Kiel shock at seeing the troll felled stopping their advance. Azrael looked at Adam who was staring at the dead troll,
“I... killed... I killed...a...” Adam stammered,
“A troll, yes , yes you did.” Azrael said with a smile, wiping the blood from his face, “And you stood on your Prince.”
Adam looked up at the Prince in shock at the truth of his words, Azrael smiled at him and grabbed his wrist lifting it into the air so all could see the now blue blood that now covered the blade,
“Can you see this?!” Azrael cried as the men began to cheer for Adam, Garret cheered louder than any as he stared proudly at Adam, “This is what one kingdom man can do!
Azrael let Adam go and turned and pointed his sword at the Sam'ru and remaining trolls , the former looking apprehensive and the latter looking confused, “Now why don't we show them what an army of angry kingdom men can do!”
Adam cheered with the others and Azrael turned to him,
“Seek me out when this is over Troll Slayer. I would see you rewarded and learn more of you.” and then he turned and charged towards the enemy Adam screamed and ran after Azrael, the men moved like a wave pouring unstoppably splashing into the water towards the enemy, the Sam'ru at the front tried desperately to get away where as the trolls bellowed, lowered their head and charged ready to smash people with their antlers. Adam ran slashing right and left with his sword trying to ignore the cries and roars all around him, twice he had felt vomit rising in his throat but he fought it down and continued, to his right he could see Azrael, his swords were a blur as he swung them killing any who came near him, and to the right he could see Aldur blocking on his shield and stabbing enemies as though he was possessed. Adam scanned as much as he could trying to locate Garret but he was too busy trying to stay alive to look very well. He saw one of the trolls fall with a roar as it was swarmed by brave Kingdom men, some of them emulating Adams leap by using shields to launch each other into the air. he turned avoiding a killing attack and saw the other troll swing its club and knock a man flying into the air but he had to turn away to stab an attacker, what he didn't see was the man fly through the air towards him, Adam glanced round just in time for the body to crash into him, he fell under the water as he twisted and turned under the weight of the body trying to get out from under it. Adam could only manage to get his nose slightly above the water line, with the weight of the body on his legs and his armour he just couldn't get out of the water. He suddenly lost his balance and went under the water again, when he came up it took all his strength to hold his nose above the water but he could already feel his arms begin to tire. He saw the Samru begin to fall back Adam desperately wanted some one to help him because he knew... in a moment of pure clarity, he knew. He was going to drown if someone didn't help him... then he saw Azrael, he ran through the water straight past him still too focused on killing the enemy to see the top of Adams head, he stood there watching the backs of the Sam'ru as they ran away, he sheathed his swords and then splashed some water over his face and hands washing the gore away, but he didn't turn around. Adam could feel his arms shaking under the water and he knew it would happen soon, Then his arms lost their strength and he dropped, as soon as Adams face dropped under the water he realised how strong the current of the river was, he struggled to get out from under the body that was pinning him down but now the current was forcing him down, and he just couldn't seem to make any headway in his fight against either the current or the body trapping him under the water. Suddenly Adam felt pain in his chest as his air supply ran out and his lungs burned for more oxygen, even though he knew he would get none his mouth instinctively still opened and took a breath. Instead of the desired air his body sought warm water flooded in, his chest burned as the water filled his lungs, he felt a throbbing in his head as his blood pounded behind his eyes and his heartbeat thundered in his ears, loud and fast, but he barely heard it, for his mind was clouded with fear. He desperately clawed at the water, trying to shoot to the surface That was so close it almost felt like the universe was mocking him, The sun's rays played on the water surface, making it appear to dance. the surface taunted him, as if it was inviting him to join the dance and breach the surface! No matter how hard Adam struggled he could not reach the surface to breathe. Suddenly he realised he was going to die, his very being burned with his need to survive, but it was useless. His entire body trembled with fear as he realised his body had begun to go numb, the numbness travelled through him. Adam thrashed frantically as if he was racing the feeling, desperate to reach air before the numb feeling took hold of everything. His thrashing stirred up the river bed and all Adam could see around him now was sand and mud swirling around him in the water, he struggled to see the surface now which only added to his panic causing him to struggle more but he only succeeded in throwing up more dirt into the water around him. The struggle and panic had left him feeling exhausted, it had taken so much out of him, more than the entire march had. He looked to his right and could just make out through the swirling mud the feet of Prince Azreal as he watched the enemy fall back, Adam wished Azrael had seen him before he had fallen below the surface, there seemed no hope of rescue and Adam just couldn't get out from under the heavy armoured body of his unknown killer, It was no more than twenty or thirty seconds he had been below the water, but from Adams perspective it felt like an hour and he wondered how much longer he could last, his vision was already starting to blur and darken. Strange memories began to flash quickly before his mind, joining the Vedan guard, his first time with a woman, killing the troll...
Suddenly a fear worse than his current fate came to the fore of his mind,
'I hope they remember me' he thought desperately,
Then surprisingly his thoughts were of Garret. He knew he would look for him until he found his body and he was sorry that Garret would have to find his body, Garret who had taken Adam under his wing after his father had died, that Garret would know Adam had failed him. He knew if Garret was there he would have seen him struggling, he would have saved Adam. Adam found a reserve of strength and gave one more try to get free he turned and thrashed and managed to turn himself around to get a better grip of the body. He grabbed the mans hair and tried to pull him off him and saw a familiar angry fierce looking scar and he gasped allowing yet more water to rush down his throat and into his lungs but he didn't fight it he just stared into the open dead eyes of the old man who had taught him everything about being a man and had eventually unknowingly killed him with his dead body. Adams spirit faded away as he stared at the face of his killer... it was Garret. His mind, once clouded with fear, was beginning to join his body in the numbness, it was beckoning....inviting. Although he knew he had lost the fight, He did not feel defeated. He almost felt compelled to give in to the blackness that was looming over his vision, the blackness that he knew held no more pain or suffering, where Garret was waiting for him in the black.

1 comment:

  1. I like the change from the implied fighting in the previous chapter to the detailed discription of the battle in this chapter.
    My only criticism would be that the title made it obvious that trolls would be making an apearance.
