Sunday, 12 August 2012

Revisited and Altered

Okay, so due to my moment of clarity about this book giving me a new insight into my story I have went back and altered the prologue slightly to hint at the direction of the book.

Also I felt it was my weakest part so I have messed around a bit hopefully making it better. (fingers crossed) I will also make some minor changes to chapter one and maybe two as well. I have begun the redrafting of chapter four but as I'm working now I don't always have the time to spend writing as much as I'd like to but I will endeavour to have it up in the next two weeks.

I always had a certain way I wanted the book to go but always seemed to hit a snag and get a block on how to get it there. I think this time I may have got the answer. so I need the characters to become aware of certain facts but needed a challenging way to do this. I couldn't just tell them... no no that would make it to easy for them and its never easy :)

I'm hoping the new direction will capture and entertain your imaginations as it does mine.


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