Wednesday, 5 September 2012

Writers block and lazyness...

So I have been struggling with the cursed writers block!

I have wrote and rewrote chapter four three times this week. and each time I have reread it and found things i dont like or that just doesnt sound right. So instead of facing this mental barrier I'm sorryto say i got a bit lazy and avoided writing.

Untill now!!!!
I have resumed my attack on the elusive chapter four and I believe I will crack it in no time. the problem i think is the murder... (I heard the word murder in the taggart voice in my head for some reason...) i have been trying to continuee writing as a fantasy writer and i need to think all cluedo to make this chapter work. Azrael and co have to figure out who the killer is so i need to leave clues and motive for it to work....

So I plan to sit in all night writing tomorrow to crack it and edit it the next night so if i can hopefully the chapter will be uploaded by friday... ( I know, I know i have said it before.... but i mean it this time.... swear to evolution ;) Sorry religious folk)

well hopefully I'll be uploading on friday...



  1. Keep at it mate! Writers block is a myth, what your doing is a part of the creative process, as long as words are being written it all helps the end result!

    1. cheers man. had to give it a pass tonight as im not feeling to well so will get stuck in tomorrow.
