Thursday, 9 August 2012

The Cheek....

Ok so i received a VERY negative comment and accidentally deleted it in my rush to reply to it. so instead I'm dedicating a post to it.

The author of the comment who chose to remain anonymous even tho they could have posted under their name. asked me if i was sure i had written all of this story as they were sure they had read it before...
 so let me think am i sure....
am i sure.....

Yes I'm very sure i wrote this myself! I began this story years ago and have deleted and restarted many times. but if it helps i still have the original notes i used to plot out the story, and the hand written version from before i got a computer.

and another slight point id like to add here moron...
no personal gain AT ALL none nada zilch nothing.....

And even if i took a stolen work to a publisher they check that shit out before publishing it would ruin any chance of me publishing any of my writing... so i ask what would be the point?

I only post about this as i accidentally deleted the comment and i promised i would allow all comments to be seen good or bad or even in this case a bit delusional....



  1. Shame you deleted it, I would have liked to have seen the guy's reply when he realises he has egg on his face.

    Some people like a persons writing, some people hate it and some people are jealous of a gift they dont possess...a.k.a - 'Trolls'

    Either way don't let them get you down, your writing is coming on leaps and bounds. From the prologue to chapter 3 are like two different writers. Every chapter gets a little bit better.

    Ending to the last chapter excellent btw!


    1. thank you, it was the main point of the blog in the first place to let others comment on my writing and change it accordingly. to improve.

    2. There is a clear progression in your writing ability from one chapter to the next and the story is obviously one and the same, not bits of lots of stories copied and pasted.

      In fact the more I think about it, the more Id like to know how much thought the guy put into his comment?

      I ran a search using different parts of different chapters. This blog is the top result for all of them.

      Writers 1 - Trolls 0 *ding ding*


    3. this cheered me up sir ding ding to u too.... :)
