Thursday 9 August 2012

Inspiration hits... But NO spoilers!!!

So after starting my new job i thought my creative juices would dry up like a rain drop in a dessert.
but no! on my very first day I came up with what i am refering to as a bitch of a twist for my story!!!
and that's not all, thinking about how the twist could effect the story line led to a New and Improved Ending for the book!

After my second and third day i have came up with two new scenarios that have changed everything, one for the book and one for the second book....

This is good as although i love almost of of my creation iv always felt i need something really BIG to end the book on, well bigger than what i had... these revelations have led me to the something BIG i was missing!

I would tell you more but i dont want to make the title of this post a liar... sorry
