Chapter Six

A Different path

Azrael, Jon and Tallius were waiting for the twins in the palace war room. The room was circular and the walls were adorned with several maps of Gallahan and the neighbouring countries. In the center of the room was a round decorative table with a large map of Gallahan etched into the wood. Azrael had to admit to himself how beautiful it was as he examined the map with the others. His eyes went to the south of Gallahan to the expanse of desert that led to the land of the Parashien’s their empire was easily twice the size of the kingdom but the kingdom armies had always managed to hold them at bay.
“What do you think Jon?” Azrael asked as of the three of them Jon was the only one to have fought in a full scale war. He looked at the table as if he had not heard Azrael for a moment then his forehead creased as he replied,
“It doesn’t make sense… it’s been over thirty years since the Parashien Empire has tried its luck against us… and now they choose to attack… it doesn’t make sense…”
“He is right.”
They turned and saw Sebastian entering the room.
“The attack is a decoy. Rae’thorn is up to something. He does not want us watching him.”
“Tell me what you know.” Azrael said urgently,
Sebastian quickly retold of his brothers betrayal, leaving out the personal confessions.
When he was finished he looked at Azrael and said,
“Christopher cannot bring our family any more shame.”
“I am sorry about your brother.” Azrael replied almost sadly.
Sebastian said nothing as with a crash like thunder Aldur burst into the room his eyes red from tears and his fury evident as he made straight for Sebastian,
“Whoa!” Azrael shouted as he and Tallius moved as one and intercepted Aldur as he almost reached Sebastian who hadn’t moved.
“Tallius!” Azrael called struggling to hold Aldur from his brother, Tallius nodded and pulled the prince from the room.
“Forgive my brother Azrael, Christopher’s passing has hurt him greatly.” Sebastian asked sadly staring after his brother, “I fear he will never forgive me.”
Azrael nodded,
“There is nothing to forgive Sebastian, I understand.”
“So…” Jon began indicating the map, “It is a pincer manoeuvre? They plan to attack us to draw us away from the north so the north can attack as well… but then what? And more worrying is…”
“Who are the new allies we keep hearing about?” Sebastian said,
“Exactly.” Jon agreed.
Tallius re-entered the room and nodded to them,
“The prince has taken a barrel of ale to Christopher’s room.”
“Very well but we have more pressing matters to deal with.” Azrael said grimly, “There is only one option… This southern invasion must be crushed before it started.”
“Agreed. But what of the message to the king?” Jon said,
“You, Tallius and the boys will still sail for Estharia I will remain here and take my rightful place…” Azrael said,
“What are your orders for my brother and I cousin?” Sebastian asked apprehensively,
“Aldur will take Milax’ place as the duke of Ithaka and you will be named the earl of Ithaka. I do not blame you or Aldur for the actions of Christopher and your father.” Azrael said kindly, “I think it best if someone else tells your brother though…”
Sebastian’s eyes looked moist as he bowed and said, “Thank you my prince.”
Azrael nodded then turned to the others,
“Tallius, Jon, I want you two and the boys to take ship immediately for Estharia.”
“I will have the boys taken to the ship and ill collect our things.” Jon said then holding his arm out he said to Azrael, “Stay lucky my friend.”
“Always, hammer man.” Azrael said with a half-smile as he grasped Jon’s forearm then Jon turned and left without another word.
“Tallius I will write a letter for my brother explaining all that’s happened.”
Tallius nodded and said,
“Complications…” and then he nodded to Sebastian and left the room.

Nial and Damon stood on the deck of the Seaswift, one of the fastest ships in the King's navy it was a four mast ship for extra speed and carrying only fifty cannons as opposed to the usual 100 of most kingdom warships with a reduced cargo hold as the Seaswift was built for speed. The boys watched from the bulwark as burly sailors ran here and there getting the ship ready to depart. The both of them were getting agitated as no one had told them anything other than to board the ship.
“What’s he doing here?” Damon said pointing to the gangway, Nial looked up and saw the familiar face of Nobby, one of the other squires they had met since becoming squires themselves and he was the only squire they had met who wasn't conceited and full of their own importance. He climbed aboard the ship and his face split into a grin as he saw them both.
“Can you store my things in my cabin please?” He said to the sailor carrying his trunks on board the ship the sailor nodded and Nobby joined his friends leaning against the bulwark,
“What are you doing here?” Nobby and Damon said simultaneously making all three of them grin,
“I’m going home to Roden.” Nobby explained, “My Sister is getting married.”
“We have no idea where we are going…” Damon grumbled returning to his agitated mood, Nobby raised his eyebrows in confusion.
“No one has seen fit to tell us what is going on.” Nial chimed in, staring over board at the tiny waves cascading into the ship’s hull, “So like he said we have no idea where we are going.”
“Wait look there’s my dad!” Damon said suddenly pointing to the busy harbour, they looked down and could easily spot Jon due to his height and they could just make out Tallius walking next to him talking to a man walking next to them.
“Dad!” Damon called, “Dad!”
Jon looked up and waved to them then cupped his hands and called, “Calm yourself I will talk to you in a moment.”
Jon and Tallius and the  third man climbed the gangway onto the ship and Tallius and the man entered the bridge of the ship and Jon approached them carrying a large sack on his back and his hammer on his belt.
“Let’s find out what’s going on!” Nial said and the three of them raced to Jon.
“Right okay, before you start… yes I know where we are going. We are going to Estharia”
“What about Azrael…” Nial ducked as Jon tried to clip his ear, “Sorry, sorry. What about Prince Azrael?”
“That’s better.” Jon said with a grin,
“This is where we part ways with his highness for now.” Tallius put in joining them.
“Why?” Damon asked,
“The prince has duties he must see to as do we.” Jon said,
“Which are?” Damon asked eagerly,
“Nothing important really.” Jon said turning away from them,
“Just meeting the king.” Tallius said following Jon the boy’s footsteps stopped and Jon laughed as he pictured the look on their faces.

The Chan’al Sea was a fast paced river passage that separated the Kingdom of Gallahan and the Parashien Empire which ran past Estharia before joining onto the Johanas Sea to the east. The Chan’al was the fastest route to Estharia from the west. The Seaswift sailed down the Chan’al at a fast pace which to the boys amusement had caused Jon to suffer from severe sea sickness and he had retreated to spend most of the voyage in his cabin being ill. Nial on the other hand was fascinated by the sea, growing up in the mountains he had never seen it before. He was most surprised by the fact the water was not blue as he had always imagined it to be but a shade more like green than blue. He spent long periods at the bulwark just staring into the water. This time he was standing on the bulwark holding on to the rigging when he heard,
“Nial.” Nobby called snapping him out of his daydream of the oceans of the world.
“What is it?” He called back dropping back on to the deck.
“Damon sent me to fetch you he says something is going on below deck.”
Nial nodded and followed Nobby below deck past the gun deck to the quarters and then to the stern of the ship where they found Damon listening in to the Captain of the Seaswift talking to Tallius and Jon, a scrawny little man with a hooked nose and beady eyes called Carver. Standing next to the captain with his arms crossed was the first mate, who turned out to be the man Tallius had boarded the ship talking to, was a stocky strong looking man named Hunt.
“The whole lot is buggered!” Captain Carver was yelling,
“The whole lot is spoiled?” Tallius asked,
“Yes! The full store! Am I speaking Parashien?” Carver yelled at him, Tallius raised an eyebrow and gave what was clearly a warning look at the captain,
“My apologies my lord Mage,” He muttered quickly, “It’s just that we don’t have enough food to get us all the way to Estharia!”
“What are our options?” Jon asked fighting the urge to vomit.
“Only one really.” Hunt said shrugging, “Stop over at Lincoln. It’s a coastal town four days from Estharia so it won’t add too much time to the voyage. We could make port there for the night…”
“No, we can make port at Lincoln and restock the  stores then we set sail, no overnight stay.” Tallius said,
“Here now!” Carver snapped, “This is my ‘effin ship…”
“No it is not!” Tallius barked back at him silencing him, “This is the King’s ship, you are the King’s Captain and I am on the Kings Business so while I am on this ship you will take my orders! Is that understood?” Tallius seemed to grow as he spoke and Carver seemed to shrink. The corridor was silent as they all waited to hear what happened.
“Yes sir understood.” Carver squeaked,
Tallius nodded his approval and he and Jon turned away and left him standing with Hunt.
“Make port at Lincoln!” Carver ordered Hunt who shrugged and left to convey the order.
Damon couldn’t help but giggle slightly at the look on Carvers face, Carver spun round at the noise and his beady eyes narrowed as he spotted the three of them.
“So! The young squires have nothing better to do than eavesdrop?”
“No we weren’t…” Nial began but Carver didn’t listen,
“We can’t have our squires so bored they have to result to acting like infants! Report to the Cabin boy for some duties to keep you boys busy!”
“But…” Damon tried,
The three of them scampered from the corridor leaving Captain Carver alone feeling small.

Tristan the Cabin boy found the sight of the three young noblemen in his cabin very amusing,
“Right we get it Tristan it’s funny,” Damon said, trying to remain grumpy but he found the Cabin boys laugh infectious.
“Sorry lads. Just never thought I would have such fine visitors. And then to have them ask me to assign them work… oh you must have pissed off old carver good” he said with another grin,
“We happened to see him emasculated…” Damon said,
“That… and Damon laughed at the sight.” Nial added,
“Yep that would do it. Nothing like making yourself feel big by picking on those below you huh?” Tristan said,
“So what will u have us do then?” Nobby asked,
“Ah lads don’t ya worry I like you three and I reckon its more than likely our dear ol’ capt’n was a bit harsh with you so I will let you take my pot cleaning job. It’s the easiest job I do.” He said with a wink,
“Really? Or are you trying to stick your worst job on us?” Nial said with a grin,
“No my lords I would never do such a thing. I’m a cabin boy as punishment you folks didn’t commit my crime I would not have you pay for it.”
“What crime?” Nial asked suspiciously,
“I stole a watch and was given the choice of navy or jail.”
“Harsh choice.” Nobby chuckled,
“It sure was, but look at it this way at least here I can still get the odd watch with both my hands.” Tristan agreed with another smile. “Now young sirs I have other duties to attend to so if you take your selves along to the galley and report to the cook he will assign you the pots washing duty… oh and you are welcome.” He added as he passed them on his way out. The three of them headed to the galley talking about Tristan as they walked,
“Do you believe him?” Nobby asked,
“About the duty or the story?” Damon asked,
“Or both?” Nial asked and they laughed,
“Doesn’t matter I suppose he seems nice enough.” Damon said after a moment.
“I suppose.” Nobby agreed.
“Christopher seemed nice enough.” Nial said solemnly.
“Fair point,” Damon conceded.

It took two days to get within sight of Lincoln, the boys where down in the galley washing the cooks pots from the evening meal listening to the cooks stories of the sea,
“And then we sighted the pirates of the coast of Harkan…” the cook was saying, he was a large over weight man with a long shaggy grey beard with parts of it slightly yellow and a white bandanna wrapped around his head and wearing a dirty apron. Damon rolled his eyes and muttered under his breath,
“For the third time.”
“They were led by…” the cook continued,
“A heartless bilge rat…”Nial cut in,
“Called James Ferry…”Nobby continued,
“Also known as…” Damon added and they all continued the last part,
“Captain Fury!”
“Ah well… already told you that one then?” The cook said sheepishly, as the boys laughed.
“Ship Sighted!” a voice from above deck called,
Like all seas the kingdom seas had a problem with pirates and so the protocol on seeing an unexpected ship was to go to battle stations until the intentions of the ship became clear. The boys rushed from the galley as the cook called after them,
“These pots won’t clean themselves!”
The boys rushed on deck passing the gun deck seeing the sailors prepping the cannons for a fight, they clambered on deck as the sailors there rushed to battle stations, they saw Tristan running in their direction with a cutlass in one hand and holding three daggers  against his chest with the other, he smiled when he saw them,
“Now how did I know you three would be up here?” he said with a cheeky grin and handed them the daggers,
“What news? Nial asked tucking the dagger into his belt,
Tristan pointed to the distance and they could just make out a ship.
“Who is it? Nobby asked,
“No idea, the ship was spotted a while ago and hasn’t moved an inch since it was spotted, there doesn’t appear to be any activity on board at all. But we have to pass it to make port at Lincoln.” Then with an overly flamboyant bow he said, “Now if you will excuse me my young lords.” And then he ran off as the others grinned after him. Damon nudged Nial and nodded towards the helm of the ship where they could see Tallius arguing with Captain Carver, Nial nodded and Damon led them to the helm to listen.
“I don’t care how much safer it would be we are not opening fire on the ship!” Tallius screamed at him, “For god’s sake man what if they need help?”
“And what if they are pirates?” Carver roared back, “Will you risk us all on your honour?”
“This discussion is over!” Tallius snarled, Carver looked furious as Tallius turned his back on carver and shouted to the helmsman, “Pull alongside!” then he spotted the boys, “Go and get Jon. Tell him to bring his hammer.”
“Like he goes anywhere without it these days.” Damon muttered and ran to fetch his father.

They crew of the Seaswift waited impatiently as they drew nearer to the silent ship, there had still been no movement on the ship at all. Nial paced back and forth at the stern of the ship he hated waiting for action he felt uneasy, he glanced out into the darkness of the sea behind them and froze,
“What is it?” Nobby said seeing Nial staring,
“I don’t know… I thought I saw something…” he stared into the dark trying to see whatever it was he had seen.
“Hooks!” someone called and they looked round seeing they were pulling alongside the ship on their port side, four men threw grappling hooks across to the opposite ships bulwark and pulled hard and tied off the ropes securing the two ships together.
“Aldricht!” Carver yelled from the helm,
“Aye sir?” A skinny man from the deck holding a cutlass in one hand and a small axe in the other,
“Lead a party over there!”
“Aye, aye!” he called back and signalled three more men and then he jumped down to the smaller ship followed by the three men. They began to search the deck.
“Decks clear sir!” Aldricht called,
“Go below.”
Aldricht signalled one of the men to remain on deck and the other three went below. The crew of the Seaswift were silent as they waited expectantly. Nial felt uneasy,
“This is wrong…” He muttered to himself.
He felt the hairs raise on the back of his neck, for some unknown reason he glanced behind him and his blood ran cold as he saw ten men who were clad in a strange black armour made up of plates of metal that layered over each other connected by black cord, they wore metal helms with a metal face plate that covered the full face and made them look like they had demonic faces. the men were creeping behind the crew as more men climbed on board from the starboard side of the ship and took positions at the stairs that led below deck. They all drew long thin curved swords taking full advantage of the crew’s eyes being focused on the ship which was now clearly a distraction. Aldricht's head appeared on deck of the other ship as he called,
“Below deck clear!” a second later Nial screamed at the top of his lungs,
“To the starboard side!”

                 *                                             *                                            *


  1. storyline wise its looking very good and coming on very well. few punctuation and stuff but easily sorted. great cliff hanger to a chapter. You can see how its all beginning to come together and u can see even more questions forming in our heads as we read. shows what a good story its turning out to be and how i crave more

  2. I agree with Sean. It's definitely coming together! Great chapter! Already ready to read what happens next!

  3. Aye Shaun, really diggin it. Is this a one off book or will there be other stories in the same land?


    1. Hopefully it would be a 3 or 4 books. Chapter seven is ready to publish i just want to give people more time to read and comment on six.

  4. Thomas Muffinman Jackson28 February 2013 at 10:32

    Right I enjoyed the change of scenery in this chapter. I fell a lot of these style of books getting boring because it just the same thing over and over again like a certain trilogy we all know (haha) It's a great change of style of writing to go a nautical theme for a bit. I feel that the nobby was brought into the story a bit rush and every time he done anything he was annoying me though a good guy. There is greater sense of time, over this and a few other chapters which helps the acknowledgment of the growth of the characters especially Damon who seemed a bit of a tag along.

  5. A good chapter over all, it's good that you gave us a couple of slower chapters to focus on the characters before they are put back in harms way.
    It may be an idea to reference Nobby earlier in the story, so he doesn't arrive as unannounced as part of the main group.
